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Saturday, March 15, 2025


Covid-19 Cases in Trinidad and Tobago

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47 new COVID-19 cases, 18 more recoveries reported in Tobago


Thu May 12 2022
Medical workers in protection suits take a rest after conducting COVID tests for residents near a commercial office complex on Thursdays, May 12, 2022, in Beijing. (AP Photo/Andy Wong)

Medical workers in protection suits take a rest after conducting COVID tests for residents near a commercial office complex on Thursdays, May 12, 2022, in Beijing. (AP Photo/Andy Wong)

WHO: COVID-19 falling everywhere, except Americas and Africa 


Thu May 12 2022
Graphic showing increasing COVID-19 cases. (Image by iXimus from Pixabay)

Graphic showing increasing COVID-19 cases. (Image by iXimus from Pixabay)

622 COVID cases in schools for this term


Wed May 11 2022

55 new COVID-19 cases, 39 recoveries reported in Tobago


Wed May 11 2022

WHO calls on Pfizer to make its COVID pill more available


Wed May 11 2022
FILE - In this photo provided by Pfizer, a lab technician visually inspects COVID-19 Paxlovid tablet samples in Freiburg, Germany on December 2021. The head of the World Health Organization called on the pharmaceutical Pfizer to make its coronavirus treatment more widely available to people around the world, saying the deal it previously signed to allow generic producers to make the drug for poorer countries was insufficient and that the drug was still too expensive for poor countries. (Pfizer via AP, File)

FILE - In this photo provided by Pfizer, a lab technician visually inspects COVID-19 Paxlovid tablet samples in Freiburg, Germany on December 2021. The head of the World Health Organization called on the pharmaceutical Pfizer to make its coronavirus treatment more widely available to people around the world, saying the deal it previously signed to allow generic producers to make the drug for poorer countries was insufficient and that the drug was still too expensive for poor countries. (Pfizer via AP, File)

WHO calls on Pfizer to make its COVID pill more available


Tue May 10 2022

45 more people in Tobago test positive for COVID-19


Tue May 10 2022
FILE - In this photo provided by Pfizer, a lab technician visually inspects COVID-19 Paxlovid tablet samples in Freiburg, Germany in December 2021. As more doctors prescribe Pfizer's powerful COVID-19 pill, new questions are emerging about its performance, including why a small number of patients appear to relapse after taking the drug. (Pfizer via AP, File)

FILE - In this photo provided by Pfizer, a lab technician visually inspects COVID-19 Paxlovid tablet samples in Freiburg, Germany in December 2021. As more doctors prescribe Pfizer's powerful COVID-19 pill, new questions are emerging about its performance, including why a small number of patients appear to relapse after taking the drug. (Pfizer via AP, File)

Rare cases of COVID returning pose questions for Pfizer pill 


Mon May 09 2022

Tobago COVID Update: 29 new cases, no new deaths


Mon May 09 2022
FILE - Vials of the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine are seen at a pharmacy in Denver on Saturday, March 6, 2021. On Thursday, May 5, 2022, U.S. regulators strictly limited who can receive this vaccine due to a rare but serious risk of blood clots. (AP Photo/David Zalubowski, File)

FILE - Vials of the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine are seen at a pharmacy in Denver on Saturday, March 6, 2021. On Thursday, May 5, 2022, U.S. regulators strictly limited who can receive this vaccine due to a rare but serious risk of blood clots. (AP Photo/David Zalubowski, File)

FDA restricts J&J’s COVID-19 vaccine due to blood clot risk 


Mon May 09 2022

531 new COVID cases


Fri May 06 2022

Tobago records 47 new COVID cases


Fri May 06 2022
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AP's Zeke Miller interviews White House COVID-19 Response Coordinator Dr. Ashish Jha, Thursday, May 12, 2022 on the White House complex in Washington. Speaking to the Associated Press, Jha said Americans' immune protection from the virus is waning and the virus is adapting to be more contagious, and that booster doses for most people will be necessary — with the potential for enhanced protection from a new generation of shots. (AP Photo/Nathan Elgren)

AP's Zeke Miller interviews White House COVID-19 Response Coordinator Dr. Ashish Jha, Thursday, May 12, 2022 on the White House complex in Washington. Speaking to the Associated Press, Jha said Americans' immune protection from the virus is waning and the virus is adapting to be more contagious, and that booster doses for most people will be necessary — with the potential for enhanced protection from a new generation of shots. (AP Photo/Nathan Elgren)

The AP Interview: US ‘vulnerable’ to COVID without new shots 

WASH­ING­TON (AP) — White House COVID-19 co­or­di­na­tor Dr. Ashish Jha has is­sued a dire warn­ing that the U.S. will be in­creas­ing­ly vul­ner­a­ble to the coro­n­avirus this fall and win­ter if Con­gress doesn’t swift­ly ap­prove new fund­ing for more vac­cines and treat­ments. 


Fri May 13 2022
President Joe Biden speaks during a visit to O'Connor Farms, Wednesday, May 11, 2022, in Kankakee, Ill. Biden visited the farm to discuss food supply and prices as a result of Putin's invasion of Ukraine. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)

President Joe Biden speaks during a visit to O'Connor Farms, Wednesday, May 11, 2022, in Kankakee, Ill. Biden visited the farm to discuss food supply and prices as a result of Putin's invasion of Ukraine. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)

Biden co-hosts 2nd global COVID summit as US nears 1M deaths

WASH­ING­TON (AP) — Pres­i­dent Joe Biden will ap­peal for a re­newed in­ter­na­tion­al com­mit­ment to at­tack­ing COVID-19 as he con­venes a sec­ond vir­tu­al sum­mit on the pan­dem­ic and marks “a trag­ic mile­stone” as the U.S. ap­proach­es 1 mil­lion deaths.


Thu May 12 2022

47 new COVID-19 cases, 18 more recoveries reported in Tobago

Some 47 new pos­i­tive cas­es have been re­port­ed over the past 24 hours.  There are now 603 cur­rent ac­tive in­fec­tions on the is­land.


Thu May 12 2022
Medical workers in protection suits take a rest after conducting COVID tests for residents near a commercial office complex on Thursdays, May 12, 2022, in Beijing. (AP Photo/Andy Wong)

Medical workers in protection suits take a rest after conducting COVID tests for residents near a commercial office complex on Thursdays, May 12, 2022, in Beijing. (AP Photo/Andy Wong)

WHO: COVID-19 falling everywhere, except Americas and Africa 

GENE­VA (AP) — The num­ber of new coro­n­avirus cas­es re­port­ed world­wide has con­tin­ued to fall ex­cept in the Amer­i­c­as and Africa, the World Health Or­ga­ni­za­tion said in its lat­est as­sess­ment of the pan­dem­ic. 


Thu May 12 2022
Graphic showing increasing COVID-19 cases. (Image by iXimus from Pixabay)

Graphic showing increasing COVID-19 cases. (Image by iXimus from Pixabay)

622 COVID cases in schools for this term

There are now 622 COVID-19 cas­es emerg­ing among staff and stu­dents in schools na­tion­wide since the start of the third aca­d­e­m­ic term.


Wed May 11 2022

55 new COVID-19 cases, 39 recoveries reported in Tobago

COVID-19 in­fec­tions in To­ba­go con­tin­ue to climb, even as pre­vi­ous­ly in­fect­ed peo­ple re­cov­er from the dis­ease.  Some 55 new pos­i­tive cas­es have been re­port­ed over the past 24 hours.  There are now 574 cur­rent ac­tive in­fec­tions on the is­land.


Wed May 11 2022

WHO calls on Pfizer to make its COVID pill more available

GENE­VA (AP) — The head of the World Health Or­ga­ni­za­tion called on Pfiz­er to make its COVID-19 treat­ment more wide­ly avail­able in poor­er coun­tries, say­ing Tues­day that the phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal com­pa­ny’s deal al­low­ing gener­ic pro­duc­ers to make the drug was in­suf­fi­cient.


Wed May 11 2022
FILE - In this photo provided by Pfizer, a lab technician visually inspects COVID-19 Paxlovid tablet samples in Freiburg, Germany on December 2021. The head of the World Health Organization called on the pharmaceutical Pfizer to make its coronavirus treatment more widely available to people around the world, saying the deal it previously signed to allow generic producers to make the drug for poorer countries was insufficient and that the drug was still too expensive for poor countries. (Pfizer via AP, File)

FILE - In this photo provided by Pfizer, a lab technician visually inspects COVID-19 Paxlovid tablet samples in Freiburg, Germany on December 2021. The head of the World Health Organization called on the pharmaceutical Pfizer to make its coronavirus treatment more widely available to people around the world, saying the deal it previously signed to allow generic producers to make the drug for poorer countries was insufficient and that the drug was still too expensive for poor countries. (Pfizer via AP, File)

WHO calls on Pfizer to make its COVID pill more available

GENE­VA (AP) — The head of the World Health Or­ga­ni­za­tion called on Pfiz­er to make its COVID-19 treat­ment more wide­ly avail­able in poor­er coun­tries, say­ing Tues­day that the phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal com­pa­ny’s deal al­low­ing gener­ic pro­duc­ers to make the drug was in­suf­fi­cient.


Tue May 10 2022

45 more people in Tobago test positive for COVID-19

Some 45 new pos­i­tive COVID-19 cas­es have been re­port­ed in To­ba­go over the past 24 hours, which has moved up the num­ber of cur­rent ac­tive in­fec­tions on the is­land to 588.


Tue May 10 2022
FILE - In this photo provided by Pfizer, a lab technician visually inspects COVID-19 Paxlovid tablet samples in Freiburg, Germany in December 2021. As more doctors prescribe Pfizer's powerful COVID-19 pill, new questions are emerging about its performance, including why a small number of patients appear to relapse after taking the drug. (Pfizer via AP, File)

FILE - In this photo provided by Pfizer, a lab technician visually inspects COVID-19 Paxlovid tablet samples in Freiburg, Germany in December 2021. As more doctors prescribe Pfizer's powerful COVID-19 pill, new questions are emerging about its performance, including why a small number of patients appear to relapse after taking the drug. (Pfizer via AP, File)

Rare cases of COVID returning pose questions for Pfizer pill 

WASH­ING­TON (AP) — As more doc­tors pre­scribe Pfiz­er’s pow­er­ful COVID-19 pill, new ques­tions are emerg­ing about its per­for­mance, in­clud­ing why a small num­ber of pa­tients ap­pear to re­lapse af­ter tak­ing the drug. 


Mon May 09 2022

Tobago COVID Update: 29 new cases, no new deaths

Twen­ty-nine new pos­i­tive COVID-19 cas­es have been re­port­ed in To­ba­go over the past 24 hours.  The num­ber of cur­rent ac­tive in­fec­tions on the is­land now stands at 570.


Mon May 09 2022
FILE - Vials of the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine are seen at a pharmacy in Denver on Saturday, March 6, 2021. On Thursday, May 5, 2022, U.S. regulators strictly limited who can receive this vaccine due to a rare but serious risk of blood clots. (AP Photo/David Zalubowski, File)

FILE - Vials of the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine are seen at a pharmacy in Denver on Saturday, March 6, 2021. On Thursday, May 5, 2022, U.S. regulators strictly limited who can receive this vaccine due to a rare but serious risk of blood clots. (AP Photo/David Zalubowski, File)

FDA restricts J&J’s COVID-19 vaccine due to blood clot risk 

WASH­ING­TON (AP) — U.S. reg­u­la­tors on Thurs­day strict­ly lim­it­ed who can re­ceive John­son & John­son’s COVID-19 vac­cine due to the on­go­ing risk of rare but se­ri­ous blood clots. 


Mon May 09 2022
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President Joe Biden speaks during a visit to O'Connor Farms, Wednesday, May 11, 2022, in Kankakee, Ill. Biden visited the farm to discuss food supply and prices as a result of Putin's invasion of Ukraine. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)

President Joe Biden speaks during a visit to O'Connor Farms, Wednesday, May 11, 2022, in Kankakee, Ill. Biden visited the farm to discuss food supply and prices as a result of Putin's invasion of Ukraine. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)

Biden co-hosts 2nd global COVID summit as US nears 1M deaths


Thu May 12 2022

47 new COVID-19 cases, 18 more recoveries reported in Tobago


Thu May 12 2022
Medical workers in protection suits take a rest after conducting COVID tests for residents near a commercial office complex on Thursdays, May 12, 2022, in Beijing. (AP Photo/Andy Wong)

Medical workers in protection suits take a rest after conducting COVID tests for residents near a commercial office complex on Thursdays, May 12, 2022, in Beijing. (AP Photo/Andy Wong)

WHO: COVID-19 falling everywhere, except Americas and Africa 


Thu May 12 2022
Graphic showing increasing COVID-19 cases. (Image by iXimus from Pixabay)

Graphic showing increasing COVID-19 cases. (Image by iXimus from Pixabay)

622 COVID cases in schools for this term


Wed May 11 2022

55 new COVID-19 cases, 39 recoveries reported in Tobago


Wed May 11 2022

WHO calls on Pfizer to make its COVID pill more available


Wed May 11 2022
FILE - In this photo provided by Pfizer, a lab technician visually inspects COVID-19 Paxlovid tablet samples in Freiburg, Germany on December 2021. The head of the World Health Organization called on the pharmaceutical Pfizer to make its coronavirus treatment more widely available to people around the world, saying the deal it previously signed to allow generic producers to make the drug for poorer countries was insufficient and that the drug was still too expensive for poor countries. (Pfizer via AP, File)

FILE - In this photo provided by Pfizer, a lab technician visually inspects COVID-19 Paxlovid tablet samples in Freiburg, Germany on December 2021. The head of the World Health Organization called on the pharmaceutical Pfizer to make its coronavirus treatment more widely available to people around the world, saying the deal it previously signed to allow generic producers to make the drug for poorer countries was insufficient and that the drug was still too expensive for poor countries. (Pfizer via AP, File)

WHO calls on Pfizer to make its COVID pill more available


Tue May 10 2022

45 more people in Tobago test positive for COVID-19


Tue May 10 2022
FILE - In this photo provided by Pfizer, a lab technician visually inspects COVID-19 Paxlovid tablet samples in Freiburg, Germany in December 2021. As more doctors prescribe Pfizer's powerful COVID-19 pill, new questions are emerging about its performance, including why a small number of patients appear to relapse after taking the drug. (Pfizer via AP, File)

FILE - In this photo provided by Pfizer, a lab technician visually inspects COVID-19 Paxlovid tablet samples in Freiburg, Germany in December 2021. As more doctors prescribe Pfizer's powerful COVID-19 pill, new questions are emerging about its performance, including why a small number of patients appear to relapse after taking the drug. (Pfizer via AP, File)

Rare cases of COVID returning pose questions for Pfizer pill 


Mon May 09 2022

Tobago COVID Update: 29 new cases, no new deaths


Mon May 09 2022
FILE - Vials of the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine are seen at a pharmacy in Denver on Saturday, March 6, 2021. On Thursday, May 5, 2022, U.S. regulators strictly limited who can receive this vaccine due to a rare but serious risk of blood clots. (AP Photo/David Zalubowski, File)

FILE - Vials of the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine are seen at a pharmacy in Denver on Saturday, March 6, 2021. On Thursday, May 5, 2022, U.S. regulators strictly limited who can receive this vaccine due to a rare but serious risk of blood clots. (AP Photo/David Zalubowski, File)

FDA restricts J&J’s COVID-19 vaccine due to blood clot risk 


Mon May 09 2022

531 new COVID cases


Fri May 06 2022
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